Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog


STRATEGY INTRO: Increase demand for, and access to flu, COVID-19, and other adult vaccinations via 40 pop-up community clinics at the places that cultural groups feel comfortable and connected, and increase regularity of vaccine promotion in priority communities; and increase the percentage of pan-Asian and pan-African seniors who are up-to-date with recommended adult vaccinations.

Our field experiences and academic research have all proved that financial incentives likely increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake, especially for immigrant and refugee communities, since many may have to miss work or other costs associated with getting the vaccines.

Asian Media Access and our partner Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN have effectively targeted BIPOC vaccine hesitancy with diverse incentive types and amounts (monetary vs. non-monetary, such as 25lb Jasmine Rice bags), targeted populations (adolescent vs. elderly population; participants vs. event host). We for sure pay special attention to the equity, as well as meaningful incentives for the targeted populations.

We have chosen diverse gift cards as well, ranging from Asian grocery stores, Cub, Gas, Target to Visa Gift Cards. Since Dec., 2023, we have started to offer our highest incentive with $100 visa card from our partner – Restore for All, as they indicated that the $100 amount wasn’t randomly decided, they wanted to be careful not to offer too low of an incentive that folks wouldn’t be interested, but also found that anything over $100 might make folks suspicious or feel like they were being coerced into getting something they didn’t want.

We strongly support the incentives as a way to pay respect to our community members that support the public health emergency call. Since we all have emphasized taking vaccines is a community-wide responsibility, after massive members’ vaccinations to stop the COVID spread, that comes with healthcare savings, and sharing those benefits back to the communities – such an act is totally respectful and relevant.


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