Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Save Our Planet

Smoking and Death

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, claiming countless lives every year. It’s a heartbreaking reality, but it’s also a call to action. By quitting smoking, you’re not just adding years to your life—you’re reclaiming your health, your freedom, and your future. Every cigarette you choose not to smoke is a step toward a healthier, stronger you. And by encouraging others to quit as

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TOBACCO CONTROL BLOG DISCUSSION #1 – Raising Awareness of ending the sale of all menthol and flavored commercial tobacco products in MN

STRATEGY INTRO: Support a Media Campaign to educate BIPOC communities about the proposed statewide tobacco flavor ban, and work with area sports teams to find out what people/youth know and feel about flavored tobacco products. Focus groups and media message testing will be done to determine what the community needs to know and what messages related to flavor bans would appeal to which cultural groups. We will focus on young

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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY BLOG DISCUSSION #1 – Complete Street Model will be included in the former Sears’ Site design, so neighbors can go to their everyday destinations through all modes.

STRATEGY INTRO: Increase policies, plans and community design changes through China Garden, Minneapolis Open Streets and St. Paul Sears Redevelopment to better connect residents to everyday destination to live/work/play, and provide safe, culturally based places for increasing physical activities. Asian Media Access has taken the lead to plan for the former Sears’ Site, we envision streets are designed for all people, with a network of safe and slow speed streets

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NUTRITION BLOG DISCUSSION #1 – Planning an Asian Fermented Food Workshop

STRATEGY INTRO: Increase policies, plans and community design changes through China Garden, Minneapolis Open Streets and St. Paul Sears Redevelopment to better connect residents to everyday destination to live/work/play, and provide safe, culturally based places for increasing physical activities. Asian Media Access is planning an educational workshop with Dr. Andres Gomez from University of MN. Please check back often for more updates. Promoting the transformation of fruits and vegetables through

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