Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Individual Protective Factors

How to Stop Being Selfish

Selfishness is a natural human trait that everyone experiences at some point in their lives, and to some extent, it’s quite normal. However, when selfishness becomes so profound that it overrides consideration for others, it can turn toxic and cause significant harm. It has the potential to ruin healthy relationships and bring down one’s mental health, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Understanding the balance between self-care and selfishness

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Cannabis and Poisoning

Cannabis poses significant risks, especially when it comes to edibles, which can be deceptively dangerous. While many perceive cannabis as safe due to its legalization in some areas, the reality is that edibles carry a high risk of poisoning. Unlike smoking, where effects are immediate and easier to control, edibles take longer to impact the body, often leading people to consume more than they should in pursuit of a quicker

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20 Funny Quotes About Anxiety to Lighten Your Mental Load

Life can bring us stress in many ways, whether it’s from work, school, staying updated with the news, or just trying to keep up with everything happening around us. Anxiety and stress seem to find their way into our lives no matter the situation, and it can feel overwhelming at times. In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 funny quotes about anxiety that can help lighten the mental load and

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Cannabis Health Effects

Cannabis, the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, saw use by approximately 61.9 million people in 2022. Despite its popularity, cannabis poses significant risks to both physical and mental health. Regular use can impair memory, judgment, and coordination, increasing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. It also has the potential to exacerbate mental health disorders, leading to anxiety, depression, and even psychosis in susceptible individuals. Long-term use

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