Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Tobacco Prevention

CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers® Launches New Ads to Encourage People to Quit Smoking

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Tips From Former Smokers® (Tips®) campaign returns this year with a fresh set of advertisements aimed at encouraging people to quit smoking. The campaign offers free resources to support adults in their journey to quit smoking, providing practical tools and inspirational stories. Proven to be highly effective, the Tips campaign has helped over one million U.S. adults successfully quit smoking and has

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Health and Economic Benefits of Tobacco Use Interventions

Why Say No to Tobacco? Using commercial tobacco is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States. Here’s why quitting or avoiding tobacco can significantly improve your health and well-being: 1. Protect Your Body: Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in your body. It is a major cause of: 2. Protect Your Loved Ones: Even if you don’t smoke, secondhand smoke can be equally harmful

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Preventing Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in the Home

There is no safe amount of secondhand vape exposure, and the home is a primary place where children and adults inhale it. To protect yourself and others, do not vape or allow vaping in your home or car, and encourage family members to quit. Smoke and vape emissions can linger in a room for hours, and opening windows or using fans and air purifiers does not eliminate the danger. Vaping

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Health Effects of Cigarettes: Cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases where cells grow uncontrollably, invading other parts of your body. These rogue cells can spread through your blood and lymph systems, which normally help clear toxins. There are over 100 types of cancer, each named after where it starts. For instance, lung cancer begins in the lungs, and laryngeal cancer starts in the voice box. Understanding the risks of smoking is crucial, as it

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