Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

People with Disabilities

About 600,000 Minnesotans have disabilities. These disabilities include; hearing, vision, cognitive (thinking, concentrating, etc.), ambulatory (trouble walking or climbing stairs), self-care, and independent living. Around 20% of Minnesotans with disabilities are living below or at the poverty line. 


People with disabilities speak many languages including English or their Native language. Some disabiled individuals may use American Sign Language (ASL) or braille if they are hard of hearing or blind. There are also individuals that are non verbal and may use body language or facial expressions to express their feelings. 

Medical Care/Medical Barriers:

There are multiple types of insurance coverage a disabled person can receive to help with medical costs. Through the government systems the three main types are: Medicaid, Medicare, or Affordable Care Act Marketplace. Although there are options to receive medical coverage, many disabiled people lack health literacy. They tend to not learn about medical information from local media or family resources. About 48% of deaf individuals had low health literacy and will less likely seek medical help. Also disabled individuals are unable to work and pay for the cost of healthcare and prevents them from seeking the appropriate care. 

Life Expectancy: 

The life expectancy of a person with severe disabilities is about 50 years, while the life expectancy of a person with not as severe of a disability is about 78 years.


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